Contribuciones orales en congresos
Rodríguez García, Marta, with Eugenio Goria. 2024. «Community norms and pragmatic motivations for bilingual discourse markers in Gibraltar’s English-Spanish mixed code: a comparison with the Miami Corpus», Gibraltar International Conference (GIC2). University of Vigo, Vigo, 08.07.2024.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2024. «Yanito from a code-switching and code-mixing perspective: an analysis of the speech of young adults in Gibraltar», Gibraltar International Conference (GIC2). University of Vigo, Vigo, 08.07.2024.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2023. «Community norms and pragmatic motivations for bilingual DMs: bueno and well in English-Spanish bilingual speech», APPEL: International Conference on “discourse markers – theories and methods”. Université Paris Cité, Paris, 26.05.2023.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2023. «El cambio de código EN-ES en Gibraltar: fronteras geográficas y categoriales como señal de identidad», XXVIII Conference of Spanish in the US and XIII Conference of Spanish in contact with other languages. Southern Methodist University, Dallas, USA, 06.04.2023.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2022. «“Yanito” among the young population of Gibraltar: Bilingualism, identity and language attitudes», Poster, HPSL Day. Universität Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 28.10.2022.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2022. «“Yanito” among the young population of Gibraltar: Bilingualism, identity and language attitudes», Copenhaguen Winter School of Sociolinguistics 2022. University of Copenhaguen, Copenhaguen, Denmark, 17.03.2022.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2021. «El “yanito” entre la población joven de Gibraltar: bilingüismo, identidad y actitudes», Mi tesis en 15 minutos: Jornadas Hispánicas 2021. Sociedad de Estudios Hispánicos, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 26.11.2021.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2021. «The porosity of a border: code-switching and identity among young adults in Gibraltar», Challenging borders, challenging categorizations: from/between borders, Universität Bern, Switzerland, 13.11.2021.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2021. «The discursive construction of codeswitching in Yanito among the young population of Gibraltar», International Conference “Language Contact through Time and Space, Universität Bayreuth, Germany, 15.09.2021, online.
Rodríguez García, Marta, with Eugenio Goria. 2021. «The role of pragmatic markers in an emerging mixed code: the case of Gibraltar», 17th International Pragmatics Conference, Panel: Contrastive corpus approaches to pragmatic markers (organized by Gisle Andersen, Sara Gesuato, Maria Teresa Musacchio). Winterthur, Switzerland, 29.06.2021, online.
Rodríguez García, Marta, with Sandra Schlumpf. 2020. «Aktuelle Forschungsschwerpunkte der spanischen Sprachwissenschaft an der Universität Basel. Soziolinguistik an den Rändern der spanischsprachigen Welt», Tage der Schweizer Linguistik 2020, Université de Fribourg, Switzerland, 6.11.2020, online.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2020. «Hacia una propuesta metodológica para el estudio del bilingüismo en Gibraltar», ALPES 3, Switzerland, 14.01.2020.
Conferencias invitada
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2023. «El contacto de lenguas en Gibraltar y las dinámicas de cambio de código», Undergraduate course: Sociolingüística. Invited by Prof. Dr. Justin Davidson. University of Berkeley, USA, 14.04.2023.
Rodríguez García, Marta, with Prof. Dr. Sandra Schlumpf. 2022. «Kommunikative Praktiken in soziolinguistisch komplexen Kontexten: Strukturelle und sprachideologische Einblicke in Äquatorialguinea und Gibraltar», Ringvorlesung Master Sprach und Kommunikation: verbal, digital, multimodal. Invited by Prof. Dr. Heike Behrens. Universität Basel, Switzerland, 29.11.2022.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2022. «‘El yanito es mucho más que un simple code-switching’: el contacto de lenguas en Gibraltar», Vorlesung: Multilingüismo en el mundo hispano. Invited by Prof. Dr. Yvette Bürki. Universität Bern, Switzerland, 24.11.2022.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2022. «From code-switching to code-mixing: Patterns and functionality in Gibraltar», Seminar: When languages and dialects collide. Invited by Andrin Büchler. Department of English, Universität Bern, Switzerland, 26.10.2022.
Rodríguez García, Marta. 2021. «El contacto de lenguas en Gibraltar», Contacto lingüístico e interculturalidad, Master of Intercultural communication. Invited by Prof. Dr. Gerard Fernández; Luis Escoriza Morera; and Alicia Mariscal Ríos. Universidad de Cádiz, Spain, 28.03.2022.
Rodríguez García Marta. 2019. «Spanish students in New Mexico: Institutional Needs of Heritage Speakers», Invited by Prof. Dr. Juan Pedro Sánchez Méndez. Université de Neuchâtel, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 07.02.2019.